Our experts have developed the Aptis test based on the latest research in English language assessment

What is Aptis?

We have 70 years of experience testing English language around the world. Our experts have developed the Aptis test based on the latest research in English language assessment. 

Aptis can assess your English level in all four language skills – speaking, writing, reading and listening. It also incorporates a grammar and vocabulary test. Which skills you will be tested in depends on the organisation which asks you to take the test (e.g. an employer or training provider).

How can I take Aptis?

Information about taking Aptis will be provided by your employer, university or school. You can not register through us directly.

What do my scores mean?

You will receive results based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). They will indicate your CEFR (A1-C) level for each skill tested. If you take all 4 skills you will receive an overall CEFR level. Along with your CEFR level a scaled score (0-50) showing your aptitude level for each skill level tested. 

Take a look at a sample test report.

How do I prepare for the test?